PSHE is an important part of the curriculum at Hawthorn Primary School. It allows the children to develop an understanding of how to keep themselves healthy as well as ensuring that they are able to understand the needs and feelings of others. Our PSHE curriculum has been developed using the guidance from the PSHE Association.

PSHE links closely with some other subjects including Global Learning and Science. This means that sometimes, the PSHE objectives are taught using a class discussion during other lessons and in whole school assemblies. All classes receive at least one PSHE session every week. 

An integral part of the PSHE curriculum is Relationships. It is important for children to understand from an early age about healthy relationships. Sessions on relationships will be delivered in partnership with the school nursing team in all classes within the school.

If you have any questions regarding PSHE, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sarah Jackson

(PSHE Coordinator)