Spring Term 2025

Year 4 have had a wonderful morning being ‘Play Makers,’ we learnt about script writing, how to create and develop characters and we even acted out some of our work!
We have had a very exciting P.E session today playing an augmented reality (A.R) game. The children loved challenging each other in the HADO arena and cheering on their classmates. 
Year 4 visited their local library to choose bookstore read for pleasure. They had a great time looking through all of the books, but the huge selection made choosing a book a little tricky! Their favourite part was sharing stories.
Year 4 have worked hard to learn about making choices about spending and saving money, reasons why we might borrow money, the consequences of borrowing money and prioritising between our needs and our wants.
ear 4 have been learning about how to spot scam emails as part of #SaferInternetDay2025 We are now experts at being ‘scam detectives’