
Bulletin Board
  • We have registered to take part in Trash Mob 2024 which is aimed at tackling plastic pollution in school grounds. This will take place during the first week of July and we will be litter picking in our school grounds as well as outside of school.
  • We celebrated World Environment Day in June and raised money for Surfers against Sewage which was chosen by the Eco-Committee. The whole school wore something green and each class completed a range of outdoor activities.
  • In May, the whole school took part in Eco themed Skills Builder Projects. Throughout the week, the children completed activities where they learnt how to be more Eco-friendly and thought about we can encourage others. 
  • Eco Warriors and Eco Club are organising an assembly and a non-uniform day for World Environment Day in June. They are thinking about a environmental charity which we can raise money for.
  • In March 2024, we took part in The Big Plastic Count to find out how much plastic waste households in the UK throw away. We then discussed the results. 
  • We have achieved our Platinum Award from the Woodland Trust.
  • We are so proud to have achieved the gold award status!  We are going to continue our journey with the Woodland Trust, along with 13,000 other schools, to help the environment and go on to earning the prestigious platinum award.
  • The Green Tree Schools Award encourages outdoor learning and inspires our children about trees, woods and wildlife.  
  • So far we have earned points for planting a range of trees within our grounds, reduced CO2 emissions, learned about tree planting in other countries, took part in tree dressing, created collages using macro photography within our forest area, explored the woodland from different viewpoints and set up a recycling system within school.

The Big Plastic Count 2024


In March, we took part in The Big Plastic Count to find out how much plastic waste households in the UK throw away.


And the result? 

1.7 billion pieces of plastic waste were counted during The Big Plastic Count – this equates to 90 billion pieces of plastic per year! 


We can also see what's happening with the UK's plastic waste. Take a look at the chart below to see the results:

Our Carbon Footprint
The Eco-Club and Eco-Committee are going to be working hard to bring down Hawthorn's yearly carbon footprint. 
ECO club have been tackling plastic pollution on our school grounds by litter picking!
Green Flag Award
The Eco Warriors are working hard completing a school audit to start working towards our Green Flag Award. They're attending regular, weekly meetings and interviewing staff and children to find the answers to some important topics.  
In recent weeks, the Eco Warriors have arranged to take part in World Environment Week in June. They are organising a non-uniform day, an assembly and activities in classes.
The Eco-Warriors have been working hard to complete the audit to become a Plastic Clever School.  They used a range of information such as stationary order forms, information from the school kitchen and discussions with class teachers.  
The children will then use the information to look for ways to reduce the single use plastics used within school.
As part of the Woodland Trust Platinum award, Year 6 spent the afternoon being photographers, taking images of our school forest.  They used a range of techniques to capture some interesting shots and then spent time editing and applying special effects before producing some amazing collages.