Autumn Term

All about ME!
Our first topic is 'Starting School.' We will work with the children to make sure they are comfortable and happy in their new learning environment.
In Reception, we teach the children to read using a scheme called 'Read, Write Inc.' The children are taught the sounds in set 1 through-out the year and then begin to blend these sounds together to read simple words. By the end of the year, the children will be able to read and spell simple words and also simple sentences.
By the end of Reception, I will be able to read all of these sounds from set 1:
See the source image
The children have been learning how to input instructions to move the Beebots forwards, backwards, left and right!

It's Harvest Time!

We have been learning about harvest and what this means. The children have been busy creating harvest pictures using salt painting and creating their own scarecrows. We discussed why some Christians say thank you to God for the harvest and the children thought about times when they would like to say thank you. 

For European Languages Day, we looked at the country Italy. The children made pizzas, created flags and learnt how to greet each other in Italian!
Elmer Day
We celebrated being unique and one of a kind!