Autumn Term 2024

Library Visit.
Year 3 went to the library and had a fantastic time choosing books they wanted to read for pleasure. They signed out their books and listened to a story with Lynn. The children really enjoyed their visit and can't wait to go back!
The children are learning about rocks and soils in Science. They investigated a range of rocks and looked at their appearance using a magnifying glass. They looked at whether the rocks were permeable or not and their different uses. 
Trip to St John's Church.
The children were so excited to visit the church as part of their work in Science. They looked at lots of different gravestones and the type of rock they are made from. It was lovely to see the children apply the knowledge they had learnt in the classroom outside in the real world.
PE - Cricket.
The children are enjoying their cricket lessons with Dan from 'Chance to Shine'. They have been developing their throwing and catching skills. It was great to see the children applying their skills in a game too!
Edible Playground.
We have started work on our Edible Playground bed by weeding and harvesting. We gave Reception some lettuce to eat from our bed and now look at our bed! We have planted our cabbages and can't wait to be able to harvest them! 
 Year 3 and 4 held an assembly today where they invited parents to watch them perform poetry. The children were so confident, spoke clearly and performed their actions perfectly. We are very proud of the hard work they have put into writing, learning and performing their poetry.
A very wet forest school for year 3, but we made the most of it by using our map skills draw a map and then to find an area in the forest to conduct a mini beast survey.