Our Class

Welcome to Class 7!
We are a small, supportive class within the school. We support up to 9 children who have difficulty managing behaviour within mainstream classes.  We have a caring team of 3 staff who work closely with the children. Our aim is to integrate the children, with support, back into mainstream classes. 
We are currently part of a project with Newcastle University researching the impact of forest schools on children with Social Emotional and Mental health difficulties. We have been part of the project for two years. It is helping us develop lots of skills that can be transferred back into the classroom.
We know that our children learn best when it is based around their interests so our topics change to suit the interests of our class - keep looking on the website for our latest topic web. We also invite our parents in for lots of opportunities to come into class and help us with our topic so we would love to see you there!
Thank you
Mrs Collins.


Seesaw is an online learning tool. Each child has their own Seesaw account and this can be used at home You can also see work which your child has produced in class. There is also the chance to comment and like on what the  children have been producing. They love to know their grown-ups have seen their hard work!


Letters and forms are sent out electronically on an app called Ping. Please download and login to see them. Your login details can be give to you again from the office. 

As part of our timetable we work on lots of PSHE and SEAL activities to help us become part of a team and develop resilience, emotional understanding, confidence and our self-esteem. We know how important it is to feel safe and secure before learning can begin and we want every child in Class 7 to come to school and reach their learning potential. We are using 'Zones of Regulation' as a way to help us develop our ability to understand our readiness to learn and to help us regulate our emotions.