Writing at Hawthorn


During their time at Hawthorn, children will have to opportunity to write a for a range of purposes and in a range of styles. Moving through the classes, their writing will become more precise and technical as they engage in a range of spelling and grammar lessons. Children and teachers will work with a class novel which links to the class’ termly topic, and writing will often relate to an event or theme in this book.

However, cross-curricular writing is also a vital part of children’s writing development, and foundation subject lessons are used to embed and practise writing skills learnt in English lessons. Through the year groups, children will write fiction and non-fiction pieces regularly. They will cover the whole genre of text-types across a term in both English and foundation subject lesson.

Each year group have a different focus for their spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPAG), which can be viewed below. 
Throughout the course of the year, each group will cover different core texts. Our curriculum maps below will help you understand which texts your child is learning about in class.