Our Class

 Welcome to Reception!
This will be an exciting and crucial first step in your child's educational journey. This year will be full of new learning experiences within the classroom, around the school and out in the community. We look forward to making some wonderful memories with your child as they embark on this exciting new journey in to school!  

I will keep this page updated with information and photographs about what your child has been learning. Have a look at our topic web to see what our topic is for this half term and what we are going to be learning about.

If you ever have any queries, please do not hesitate to talk to the Early Years Team at the start or end of the school day.

Thank you from Mrs Fullard, Mrs Hood, Mrs Downie and Miss carter

Early Years Team


Our indoor PE lesson is on Friday and our outdoor lesson is on a Thursday. Please ensure all of your child's clothing is labelled and hair is tied back. Children must come to school wearing trainers on PE days.


Reading Books

Your child will bring their book bag home every night and this needs to be returned to school daily. Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday.  Please encourage your child to read at home. 


Every Friday, I will put a new phonics video onto Tapestry for your child to do extra practise at home. Please support your child to watch the video clip and encourage them to join in. Children will also be sent handwriting practise daily.