Our Class

Welcome to the Year 3 web page!

We hope you've had a wonderful summer holiday and are excited for the year ahead. This is where your child’s journey into Key Stage 2 begins. Myself and the team are looking forward to teach your children this year. 

We will be learning about a range of different topics over the course of the year in an exciting and creative way, including the Stone Age and the Egyptians. Please look at our topic webs to see what we will be doing in more detail every half term. As a school we will endeavor to give your children the wonderful opportunities they deserve. 

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or if you have a query about anything happening in school.

We will be putting lots of our learning and experiences on the website and twitter for you to look at, so keep your eyes peeled!

If you need to talk about anything we are covering in class please catch me at the start or end of the school day.

Thank you

Mrs Joanne Kennedy

Miss Karen Good

Mrs Emer Young



Reading books bags are going home every day but your child's book will be changed every  Monday and Thursday. I have also included a 'Recommended Reading Book List' below for parents. There are lots of lovely books suitable for this age range. Enjoy!



We have set up their TTRockstars account so they are able to log on and continue to learn their multiplication tables. The children will also bring spellings home every week. 


As part of our topic work, the children will bring home a set of activities they can complete at home. Any that you complete, please upload to Seesaw or bring them back to school. 


Thank you.



This half term our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Monday's lesson is all about 'Fitness' and on Tuesdays we will be completing a set of lessons around 'Hockey'. ensure your child has trainers in school on BOTH DAYS. 

No jewellery is to be worn and if your child wears earrings they must be removed before sending them to school. 


Thank you for your continued support. 

Ways To Help At Home.
There are many ways you can help your child at home. 
Multiplication Tables.
Record and rehearse your multiplication tables for the 3x, 4x and 8x tables. We encourage your child to actively go on TTRockstars but you can also help them too. Please ask if you'd like any resources to achieve this.
Read as often as possible with your child. This doesn't have to be your home reading book, but other books, leaflets, comics, texts about our topics on the internet. We love to research in Year 3!
There are lots of games you can play around helping your child to improve their spelling knowledge. For example, Scrabble, Word Bingo and Boggle. (This is a game where you make as many words as you can from a set of given letters)
Start of the day - School starts at 8.40am The children will be collected from the bottom gate. It is very important the children arrive on time to ensure they don't miss out on any of their learning.
End of the day - School finishes at 3:30pm (Monday -Thursday) and 1:30pm on Fridays. Please be prompt when collecting your child.