Summer Term (A) - What were the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?

What were the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?

The children will look at different ages, or periods, of the Egyptian Age. They will locate Egypt on a map and look at surrounding countries that the Empire expanded to. They will also look at the River Nile and why it is important. The role of farming in Egypt and techniques which were important will be explored. For example irrigation and how the River Nile was involved. We will compare this to prehistoric farming? The children will investigate hieroglyphics and how the Rosetta Stone was important for archaeologists in deciphering what was written in Hieroglyphics. They will understand the role of the pharaoh in Egyptian society and how their lifestyle compared to civilians. The children will investigate the Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings to understand what these landmarks tell us about the Pharaohs.

We will look at the role of archaeologists in understanding the Egyptians through the role of Howard Carter discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun. 

Our Trip to the Great North Museum.
Year 3 visited the museum to enhance their learning about the Ancient Egyptians. They took part in a wonderful workshop called 'Land of the Pharaohs'. They were able to explore what life was really like and spent time looking and handling lots of different artefacts. It was a fabulous day!
The children were so excited to receive their INEOS book this term. They have a range of activities to complete when they have read their book! Enjoy Year 3
Skills Builder - Trash to Treasure.
As part of a whole school project the children worked in teams to design and build a reusable toy. The main skills they focussed on were speaking, creativity and leadership. Their ideas were incredible and I think you’d agree the finished toys are too! We are very proud of the efforts the children made and the leadership skills they used. 

Year 3’s Visit to the Gurdwara.

The children had the most amazing visit to the Gurdwara. Jaswinder showed us around and the children had the opportunity to share their knowledge too. They saw where the Guru Granth Sahib is kept and listened to the music which they use to meditate. The children ate in the Langar which is very important in the Sikh faith.
Money Week 2024.
We had such a fun time on our 'Money' treasure hunt! The children worked in their teams to find questions at different locations in our school grounds. They solved each one before going to find another question! It was a brilliant morning. 
Design and Technology - Sewing a Cushion for Queen Cleopatra.
The children looked at existing cushion designs, planned their own then made a cushion for the Queen! It wasn't easy and during their evaluation stage they were able to reflect on this.
The children are VERY proud of their finished cushions as I'm sure Queen Cleopatra would have been! 
Listen to the story we will be studying by clicking on the link below. Enjoy!