Spring term 2023 - 2024

We will add to this page as we complete our learning in spring term. 
We had a great time at STEMtastic. 
At the Discovery Museum, we explored light when we made camera Obscuras. We then looked at circuits and made our own torches. Using different systems of communication, we sent messages using codes and finally we used our fantastic oracy and teamwork skills to made vessels which could float and hold a cargo. 
At the Centre for Life, we explored time and space in the Planetarium. We then used our CSI skills to investigate who murdered Bert, using forensics techniques to find the answer. We worked with the RAF to may aerodynamic paper aeroplanes, using our knowledge of forces to help us. finally, we consolidated knowledge from the classroom to make and test wind turbines, linking to our geography unit.
We also visited the NUCastle Foundation, using our coding skills to programme robots.
We had great fun on World Book Day, dressing up and reading with our reception friends. 
In science, we have been exploring the human heart and we got hands-on this half-term!
We used our oracy skills in our skills builder day to build vehicles for the future. We made sure to use sustainable materials and thought about future environments.