Summer Term 2023-2024

This term our topic is the seaside. Our book this half term is The Snail and the Whale. We will be learning about the changes at the seaside over time, the life of Grace Darling and in Science we will be learning about the properties of everyday materials. 
What an amazing summer term Year 2 have had.  In art we looked at the artist Andy Goldsworthy. We have created art work using natural materials and designed and produced a clay pot. We then decorated our parts based on our designs. 
In science this term we have looked at materials. We started by looking at the properties of materials and learning new vocabulary. We then looked at why materials might be used for different purposes. We have also began to look at forces and how materials and solid objects can change shape. 
For our skills builder week we looked at "Going Green."  We developed our speaking, listening and problem solving skills as we  looked at ways we could help the environment.  During the week we created Eco characters and designed badges and flags to help show ways to go green. We loved hosting an Eco Fair for KS2 in the hall. We got to use our speaking skills to talk to the children about how they could be more eco friendly. 
Our trip to the Synagogue.