Spring Term (B) How does Newcastle compare to Rio de Janeiro?

This term the children will locate regions in South America and key countries including Brazil. They will locate the Oceans around South America. They will investigate key geographical areas of Brazil e.g. grasslands, coast, wetlands, rainforests and rivers as well as the key features of Rio e.g. coast, mountain region and favelas. The children will compare this to affluence and poverty. The children will compare this to the structure of Newcastle e.g. coast, city structure e.g. city centre versus suburban areas. They will compare populations and climate of Rio and Newcastle. Opportunities to identify key tourist attractions in Newcastle and Rio will be given.



Design and Technology - To Design a Nutritious Smoothie.
The children’s task was to taste a variety of existing products and then choose a recipe they wanted to follow. It was really interesting looking at the sugar content and calories in each product. This led us to think about what ingredients would be good to include in a healthy, nutritious smoothie. We looked at Jamie Oliver’s website to support our decision making. The children made their smoothie and evaluated their product. 
World Book Day 2024.
We had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day in school. The children brought their own books in from home to swap and they completed lots of different reading activities. Fun was had by everyone! 
The children looked at the different parts of a flower in Science and learnt about which were the male and female organs.